Homomorphic Encryption

Privacy-preserving computing: The future of data security?

Is Mark Zuckerberg really taking classes to make him appear more human? You’ll have to find that out by yourself. In 2018, hackers were able to access Facebook users’ data making it one of the biggest data breaches in history. This would have been prevented if Facebook had used privacy-preserving techniques. For example, Facebook could have used homomorphic encryption to encrypt users’ data before it was stored on their servers. User data can be stored as both encrypted and unencrypted - sensitive data like emails and contact information should always be encrypted....

October 26, 2023 · 4 min · M.I.Titus
Exploring the World of Quantum Computing: A Beginner's Guide

Exploring the World of Quantum Computing: A Beginner's Guide

Before we even dive into this broad topic of quantum computing, I think the best approach would be to answer the most frequently asked questions about quantum computing so that we get a base understanding of quantum computing. So let’s get started. this questions I’ve received more than 10 tens in Quora. What is the difference between Quantum computers and other classical computers? A quantum computer uses quantum bits or qubits which can be either 0 or 1 at the same time and this is what gives a quantum computer its superior computing power in contrast to a normal classical computer that uses bits that are basically 0s and 1s....

January 11, 2023 · 5 min · P.Gitau

Evolution of Computer Systems

There have been a lot of breakthroughs in the fields of computer and information technology and this is going to continue in the future, but all these trends will be influenced by the following: Rapid evolution in computer hardware and software Artificial intelligence Expanded information highway Rapid Evolution in computer hardware and software Since the introduction of computers in the business world around the 1950’s a lot of technological improvements have been made both in hardware and software....

January 1, 2023 · 5 min · P.Gitau
What is network topology

How Your Network is Connected: The Topologies Explained

What is topology A network topology is a substantial network arrangement in which all the nodes are connected using network links or connecting lines. Apart from just describing how the nodes are interconnected, network topology also explains how the data is transferred in a network. Logical topology Also called signal topology deals with the way data passes from one device to the next on the network. examples are Ethernet and token rings....

December 5, 2022 · 5 min · P.Gitau
Data capture methods

All Data Collection Methods: From MICR to Augmented Reality

What is data collection? Data capture is the process of getting information together for the computer to process. Indirect and direct methods of capture Indirect methods - This involves preparing data into a form that a machine can read before feeding the data into the computer e.g. key to disk. Direct methods - Because of human errors in the handling of data. Methods have been developed so that the computer can read the information directly without keying in e....

November 22, 2022 · 5 min · P.Gitau
Computer Logic Fundamentals: Gates, Chips, Logic Elements & More

Computer Logic Fundamentals: Gates, Chips, Logic Elements & More

Everything you need to know about computer logic This is an aspect of computer design concerning the fundamental operations and structures upon which all computer systems are built Logic gates Electronic pulses can be made to follow a set of rules if they are passed through certain components. These components act like electronic switches and are called gates. The 3 common gates are the AND, OR, and NOT gates. Other such gates NOR and NAND are made by combining two of these together....

October 1, 2022 · 5 min · P.Gitau