microsoft climpchamp review and features(the last one is the best)

Microsoft ClimpChamp Review and Features(the last one is the best)

Video editing has never been easy. It takes a lot of time and energy to make something small. With different video editors in the market, it can be confusing and hard to choose the one that suits your needs, but what if I told you there is one tool that meets all your needs in one place. It’s browser-based and also comes with an app for Android and iOS users. Am I talking to no other but Clipchamp want to know how it works?...

February 9, 2023 · 5 min · P.Gitau
A developer operating on ChatGPT

Why ChatGPT won’t replace developers.

Are you worried that ChatGPT will replace Software Developers? Worry no more here is what I have for you, take your time to read this one, sit back relax, and enjoy. I have seen bloggers and technical writers coming up with articles/blogs about ChatGPT, and the features of GPT I decided to do something different: ChatGPT will not replace Developers instead eases the work of Developers as we grow and technology evolves we always aim at making work easier or rather automating manual work here comes to the purpose of ChatGPT it is meant to ease the work of Developers why think so negative for it replacing Developers?...

February 5, 2023 · 3 min · BABC
What Are The Best Ai Image Generator Tools?

The Ultimate Guide to AI Art Generators?

Artificial intelligence is becoming popular nowadays with different types of Ai being released in the market which are actually accessible to anyone in the world as long as you have your phone or computer. Nowadays, it’s very difficult to recognize what is made by Ai and a human. Especially art which for the longest time humans have been known to create some of the most stunning art. One example is Mona Lisa, which despite being drawn a centuries ago we still value....

February 3, 2023 · 8 min · P.Gitau
The Future of Trade: Understanding Blockchain Technology

The Future of Trade: Understanding Blockchain Technology

I’m sure you have heard the word trade once or twice. But do you know that in the coming future trade won’t be the same as the one we know right now, walk with me as I explain to you everything you need to know about blockchain? There are many types of trade but today let’s focus on one trade here which is blockchain, in simple terms ill give you an example of how a blockchain is a form of trade....

January 29, 2023 · 4 min · P.Gitau
Unlocking the Power of Solana Token: A Must-Read for Investors

Unlocking the Power of Solana Token: A Must-Read for Investors

Solana was created in 2017 by Anatoly Yakovenko a Russian-born entrepreneur to satisfy all three desirable properties of a proper blockchain: scalable, secure, and decentralized, since it’s so fast (able to handle 710,000 transactions per second not exceeding 176 bytes) and has lower gas fees than Ethereum has led many to dub it an “Ethereum killer”. Like ETH, Solana has smart contracts (self-executing code that automatically carries out the terms of an agreement having met certain conditions)....

January 27, 2023 · 2 min · M.I.Titus
New MacBook Pro 14" & 16": Overview, Specs - 96 GB RAM

New MacBook Pro 14" & 16": Overview, Specs - 96 GB RAM

The Moore’s Law: Moore’s Law is a prediction made by Gordon Moore, the co-founder of Intel, in 1965 that the number of transistors on a microchip would double approximately every 18-24 months, this period is approximately 2 years. This prediction has been observed to hold truth over the years, leading to a rapid increase in the power and efficiency of computer processors. In real life, this same law is seen in the formation of a baby....

January 24, 2023 · 2 min · M.I.Titus
Starlink Internet: Future of High-Speed Connection in remote Areas

Starlink Internet: Future of High-Speed Connection in remote Areas

Founded by SpaceX founders Elon & Kimbal Musk and Gwynne Shotwell -(chief and operating officer at SpaceX), Starlink Internet is engineered and maintained by the Aerospace company Space Explorations Technologies Incorporation (SpaceX). Starlink Internet is a division of SpaceX, the first company on earth to launch a rocket into low earth orbit and recover the booster for reusing. The main goal of starting SpaceX was to make space travel cheaper. Having achieved this made it the most appropriate company to send thousands of satellites to orbit to provide affordable, uncensored satellite internet....

January 22, 2023 · 7 min · M.I.Titus
Samsung Galaxy S23: A Look at its Features and Performance

Samsung Galaxy S23: A Look at its Features and Performance

Price & availability. The s23, plus, and ultra are expected to cost $799,$1000, and 1250 respectively. According to Ross Young’s leak, they will be available in Beige, Black Green, and Light Pink colors. The release date is on February 1, 2023, at 20:00 PM CAT on the Samsung website. All things design and Build. The phone has slightly curved edges just like other Samsung phones but you will notice that the cameras no longer have the camera’s island like the s21....

January 18, 2023 · 2 min · M.I.Titus

Tesla's Rumoured New 'MODEL Pi' smartphone designed to work on mars

Every year there is a new brand-new phone from the large companies Huawei, Apple, and Samsung which have something in common. When it comes to improving their products, they only modify one feature, let’s say the camera or even the storage capacity or the cover, but we don’t get new features at all. It’s the same every time except for some nice user experience improvements actually if you buy a new phone before you even open it you actually know what is inside it and even what to expect I don’t know if it’s me alone with high expectations which make me except something new like something from the future something no one has ever seen....

January 15, 2023 · 4 min · P.Gitau
Exploring the World of Quantum Computing: A Beginner's Guide

Exploring the World of Quantum Computing: A Beginner's Guide

Before we even dive into this broad topic of quantum computing, I think the best approach would be to answer the most frequently asked questions about quantum computing so that we get a base understanding of quantum computing. So let’s get started. this questions I’ve received more than 10 tens in Quora. What is the difference between Quantum computers and other classical computers? A quantum computer uses quantum bits or qubits which can be either 0 or 1 at the same time and this is what gives a quantum computer its superior computing power in contrast to a normal classical computer that uses bits that are basically 0s and 1s....

January 11, 2023 · 5 min · P.Gitau