If you are in Argentina, Chile, India, Kenya, Portugal, and Spain you’ve probably seen some world coin operators collecting people’s eyeballs.

What really is Worldcoin?

World Coin is a native coin for the World App - A crypto wallet. A crypto wallet is a digital wallet (E-wallet) like your Mobile banking app, but stores cryptocurrencies.

Sam Altman the CEO of Open AI the thriving company for the viral chatGPT is a chief investor.

How to get started with WorldCoin and why you should.

To get started with the Worldcoin & the World app, you will need an IOS or Android phone. Linux and other common Operating systems are not currently supported.

  1. Visit your App Store (Play/App Store).
  2. Search “World App”
  3. Download, by default, the installation will be done by the system after the download status is “complete”
  4. Sign up for a free account
  5. To complete tasks, you need to verify your personhood at an ORB station.

But what is this world coin ORB?🤔

An ORB is a spherical gadget used by Worldcoin agents to scan your face but mostly targets the eyeballs to harvest your mutable biometric eye data.

As we work towards decentralization, we are incrementally open sourcing the Orb. The goal is to provide transparency and, eventually, the ability to verify our claims. Ultimately, we plan to decentralize everything involving the Orb, enabling others to develop, manufacture, and operate similar devices to issue Proof-of-Personhood credentials in a privacy-preserving manner. ~Worldcoin

Here is the inside story of the Worldcoin ORB:

It takes pictures of your iris which is unique like your fingerprints to verify your personhood so you can start using Worldcon for everyday transactions.

Worldcoin ORB components:

  • mirror gimbal for the main camera
  • cooling system
  • optical enclosure
  • fraud prevention sensors
  • battery dock
  • main board
  • LEDs

What is World ID and its applications?

Upon verification of unique humanness, a world id is issued which is a combination of numbers and letters (hash) of the details captured by the Worldcoin ORB. These unique numbers (world ID) are then added to a global list of verified humans its important to note the world coin ORB does not store users’ data therefore there is nothing to worry about. Your data is already hashed and cannot be accessed not even World Coin can see your face so this means you can use the World app and World ID to verify your identity around the internet totally anonymously.

Use cases of the world ID

Since every human can only have one world ID it could be used to verify personhood if integrated into apps so that users could authenticate their identity the same way Auth providers like Google, Microsoft, Facebook, and Github provide authentication services. World ID is a greater Auth provider since it’s only one World ID per user.

To use World ID to verify users in your app visit here.

Apps like Lens, Poap, Discord bouncer, pet Orbz and World coin Airdrop -which will be used to equally distribute the World coin Airdrop already use World ID.

Other use cases:


Using World ID, and particularly relying on global proof of personhood, can be used to build a truly democratic, one person one vote, system as well as novel voting systems.

  • Deduplication in government elections
  • Novel DAO governance including quadratic, and conviction voting
  • Anonymous online polls platform
  • Snapshot integration
  • [[Change.org](Change.org)](Change.org) integration

social media

Social networks where humans, not bots, engage. With World ID and progressive proof of personhood social networks can be enhanced and several abuse problems solved.

  • Bot protection for posting, views, likes
  • Filter posts, comments, replies, and notifications to verified accounts
  • Community moderation tools
  • Content attribution to prevent deep fakes & misinformation
  • Discord, Twitter, Lens, and Farcaster integrations

Wealth distribution

Using World ID’s proof of personhood, a system could be built to ensure aid from NGOs, non-profits, government programs, etc. is distributed equitably to recipients.

  • Government welfare programs
  • Non-profit and refugee aid distribution
  • Privately or publicly funded Universal Basic Income

The state of Worldcoin

At the time of writing this article - June 6, 2023, Worldcoin has :

1.7million users

24 +countries

$117M investor funding