Open Assistant a free and open source created by the people for the people

The talk of the day in the world right now is Ai (Artificial Intelligence) the biggest of them all being ChatGPT many AI products have been built on top of it , While still others are creating other LLM (large language model) like ChatGPT, the most recent one was Open assistant which is similar to ChatGPT, but open assistant is free to use and open source and is being developed many members of Ai community, and actually since its an open source project everyone can contribute to or even clone the whole repo and run it locally on your machine using consumer GPU’s. So you can potentially build over it and create other cool AI products since its free to use under Apache Licence

How To Use Open Assistant

When your head over to their website you will be welcomed with a nice UI interface but to use the model you will first be required to create an account using an email or either discord..another cool thing i noticed is that open assistant is available in bunch of different languages, so you are not limited to using english only if english is not your first language.

also if you head to their road map document. There say that there is no need to create a model with a billion of parameters because open assistants can be able to understand. requests and retrieve useful responses from the web of course using third party APIs and interface pretty much the same as ChatGPT plugins. Also, they say that Models can also be trained to give personalized results, this is a game changer for open AI considering open assistant is open source.

Open Assistant Features

One amazing thing about open assistance is how they are actually training the model’s data. They have even a full dedicated dashboard for users to help them improve the model and if you want to be part of the team to help improve the model you can go to open assistant dashboard, and you will be presented with various tasks which you will be required to finish in order to help improve the model that runs in the background. You can either choose to rank open assistant replies from the most important the least one basing in the accuracy of the model and readability or even chat as a user and help improve its responses as you interact with it

You can even chat as an assistant and provide responses to the given prompts and many more notice that your work won’t go unnoticed because the more you engage in more tasks The more and highly your chances of ranking in the open assistant leaderboard. And most important is that you are actually helping the model improve the responses. That people potentially are going to get later on while using the model.

also if you go ahead and create a new chat, you can pretty much ask the AI any question even the more recent events because remember the AI has accessed the web and can potentially give you any recent happenings.also remember since the model is still in development, it may give you misguiding information or information in apprehensive, so is advisable to double-check on other sources or maybe don’t trust it 100% although most of the time it will get it right.another thing i noticed is that open assistant is not that good when writing code.

compared to its competitor ChatGPT, but we can’t actually compare it to GPT since it’s still in its early stages of development.This is however not very satisfying especially for developers.

But one thinks it ranks for its making jokes or even at personifying other people with different tone we can go ahead and ask it to “make a joke about with a tone of Donald Trump, Elon Musk, Pope Francis or even Kevin Hart it will give you very funny results definitely try it out. If you are a ChatGPT user am sure you have one or twice asked ChatGPT to do something illegal unethical or inappropriate just for the sake of testing, but instead you were given a response like this

“As an AI language model am programmed to follow ethical guidelines and not to create or promote content that can be considered offensive or hurtful "

which is kind of frustrating at first but yeah for good reasons only..but unlike ChatGPT which is biased open assistant is not if you go ahead and ask it ethical or religious based questions it will give you its honest decision on the (x) topic also when it comes to creative story telling, or story continuation is not that perfect. i even tried it with code completion where it writes then after sometimes it just stops and if you prompt it to continue it doesn’t do a pretty good job at picking up but considering it’s their first model we can give them credit for good work. This is however going to change overtime considering the number of communities. behind the open source project.

So well again i don’t think there are a lot of practical use cases and if you’re really going to use this for your business and for automated In various tasks you’re probably still going to go to ChatGPT, but this could be the very early days of something really, really special that you could potentially be a part in building and improving We can’t really judge it right now but what excites me is the vision open assistant has the open source nature of it that’s what’s so exciting about this and that’s Why I think it’s something worth looking into something worth supporting and if you’re someone that wants to say i was part of the movement back in the very beginning when they started to build this that’s what open assistant will allow you to do you can be a part of moving open source large language models in a AI forward By helping open assistance train its model better hope we found this review helpful definitely go check out open assistant webpage.