Every year there is a new brand-new phone from the large companies Huawei, Apple, and Samsung which have something in common. When it comes to improving their products, they only modify one feature, let’s say the camera or even the storage capacity or the cover, but we don’t get new features at all.

It’s the same every time except for some nice user experience improvements actually if you buy a new phone before you even open it you actually know what is inside it and even what to expect I don’t know if it’s me alone with high expectations which make me except something new like something from the future something no one has ever seen.

But this is excepted to change with an announcement from Elon Musk that a new phone model (model pi) will be with us soon. This shakes the whole phone industry because as we know When it comes to electric cars, Tesla is known to produce the most quality and affordable electric cars.

When it comes to Elon Musk, he always encourages critical thinking and new problem-solving techniques and even makes the impossible possible. Well, we expect the same even with the new model pi which is the first phone that tesla is producing. starting with the name model pi which is the same naming system as tesla car models, so we expect this phone to continue improving, and with musk, in the picture, we don’t have to worry about that.

What does model pi look like?

Tesla is a car company that pays attention to the look of its products and performance, that’s why it’s ranked to be among the best electric car-selling companies in the world.

The same did not change while making this phone even by looking at model pi’s outside cover you will definitely know you are looking at the next-gen phone this is because tesla has put a photochromic coating at the surface of the phone which allows the phone to change its color when turning it in the sunlight.

Also, you will notice the tesla logo which is stemmed behind the back of the model pi. just like apple does with its products, but the difference here is that tesla’s logo is a sign of quality that you can trust the phone.

I also happened to notice the four cameras at the back which are arranged in a nice sexy way. This camera will revolutionize the phone industry since you can even take a picture of the sky even at night and still get good-quality looking pictures. Let me not even mention the phone’s exposure because it’s just crazy.

Tesla is known to make solar panels to harness solar energy no wonder pi phones come with a small solar panel that you can connect if you don’t have electricity near you. We also know Tesla has been the leading

Manufacturer of electric batteries, the same experts who built this technology are the same ones who built the model pi battery. enabling one to watch movies, watch videos on the internet, and play games comfortably without having to worry about your battery.

By looking at the back you will notice something is missing! Yes, the fingerprint, unlike other phones’ model pi fingerprint, will now be located on the screen itself, and you can barely notice it. yeah, it performs just fine like other physical fingerprints just better this time.

What will model pi do that other phones can’t?

Well, thanks to the new chip that Tesla has put you will be able to now mine crypto using just your phone. and not just the crypto we know this time it will be called ‘Mars coin’ which will be made specifically for Mars citizens.

Using the model pi you can use it to store crypto or even transact other business which in the long run means you have your bank or atm with you. The reason I said this phone is going to revolutionize the world and how we

live is because since Mars residents will be using the same phone and ‘Mars coin’ this means that we can do business with people on Mars crazy right!

This phone will also use the Starlink satellites owned by Elon Musk himself. integrating with this new technology means that this phone will have a mind-blowing internet connection even with weak signal strength you can still access the internet or make calls.

Starlink will also extend its connections to Mars, making sure if you are on Earth or Mars, the experience is the same. The phone will also run neural link technology which is still being developed. With this technology you will be able to control your phone using your mind. scientists are still working on this with actually several successes read more here

Still, the model pie will integrate with other Tesla products like electric vehicles, home batteries, and even solar panels.