YouTube is everyone’s go-to tool whenever they want to watch a video online or even want to share a video with people in the world to see. YouTube is not only free to sign in to but also very easy to upload your videos with features such as customizing your video using YouTube video editor, adding tags to help people access your videos, and adding subtitles among many others. Another reason why YouTube is popular is that you can monetize your videos and get paid according to the number of views and subscriptions. But only after accepting their terms and service and some rules set by YouTube is when you can become a YouTuber. Those are some of the few facts that YouTube has let’s dive deeper to find some of the facts, you probably don’t know.

  1. The domain name was officially bought on Valentine’s Day. Also, the first video to be posted on YouTube was called me at the zoo. by Karim (one of YouTube’s original co-founders) in the year 2005. Since then YouTube has grown to be what it is today.

  2. Youtube is the second most popular search engine after google and the second most visited website in the world. But many may argue whether YouTube is a search engine or a social media site. But if I were to be asked I would say the answer is both because YouTube is a search engine_. After all, you have to search for content to see it_ pretty much what Google and Bing do. I would also say it’s a social media site because _it depends on its user’s generated content_ pretty much what Facebook and Instagram do if my theory doesn’t convince you I don’t know what will.

  3. Google bought YouTube for $1.65bn, amounting to 174bn Kenyan shillings just a year and a half after it was launched. This gives me another reason to believe that when the deal is too good, think twice.

  4. YouTube was originally a dating site where people could post their videos describing their likes and dislikes and interested spouses would watch and maybe post a video of themselves also, but after its owners changed it to be a video uploading site where you could post anything without having restrictions. That’s when people started using the site.

  5. YouTube receives around 1.8 billion users each month, about 60 m visitors daily. This resulted in utube a pipeline company that owned that domain, suing YouTube because a lot of visitors looking for YouTube would first land on, and due to much traffic (visitors), utube servers would always crash. So YouTube bought that domain utube so whenever you search utube you will be redirected to the YouTube main site.

  6. How much YouTube earns in a year? The truth is we can know the exact value. Since its most revenue comes from ads. Also, YouTube doesn’t reveal its revenue and operating income. But a rough estimate would be around $15bn every year which is crazy considering how much it was bought in 2006. But we all have to agree that YouTube was worth $1.65bn at that time considering the number of efforts and features Google has added to YouTube. But if regret was a person it could be its 3 co-founders Jawed Karim, Steve Chen, and Chad Hurley that’s according to me.

  7. Over 500 hours worth of video content gets uploaded to YouTube every minute. This would actually take a lifetime for one person to watch just the content uploaded in one hour, which is exactly 30,000 hours of content. You can watch the real-time data as people are uploading the content on Every

  8. There are 98 versions of YouTube at the time of writing this blog. This is one of the reasons why YouTube is so successful: anyone on the globe can access the website and share their videos around the whole world. You will also be shocked to find that all these 98 regional versions have different content (other than what you may be able to access in your country) due to specific country regulations.

  9. More people watch Youtube than TV This is not shocking because nowadays, it is easier to access your phone or pc and watch a YouTube video than access a television or a radio. That brings me to another question I received on Reddit

    “is YouTube going to kill all the telecommunication companies”

    technically that’s a difficult question to answer, but I can only say time will tell. In recent years we have already seen TV stations streaming their news and programs on YouTube and Facebook which is the fast and easier way to reach its audience.

  10. We watch about 5 billion videos per day according to recent statistics considering we are 7 billion people in the world meaning that

    Each person watches at least one video per day. But that’s according to statistics in the real sense it’s because YouTube users watch not just one video.

    on YouTube but many. Also, out of 100%, 45% of people use YouTube on daily basis, you may not realize it, but YouTube is going to be the future of online video streaming.