Introducing 3D Avatars to WhatsApp

WhatsApp is a free instant messaging app available on both Android and iPhone with 2+ billion registered users According to 2022 statistics. With this large amount of traffic, there is pressure to constantly improve performance and user experience every now and then, but WhatsApp never disappoints with its updates now and then. Even if it can be a little bit frustrating when you switch your phone and find you need to restart your phone because of an update, let’s all agree it’s for the best.

Dec 7 2022 was a great day for WhatsApp users since WhatsApp announced the release of WhatsApp avatars which is a new personalized way to express yourself, these avatars represent a digital version of oneself these avatars are unique for each person since they will be created and customized from a billion combinations of hairstyles, outfits, and facial expressions.

Introducing 3D Avatars to WhatsApp image

With these avatars, you will be able to use your avatar as your profile photo, and you will also be allowed to even choose out of 36 custom stickers that will symbolize different emotions and characters for a particular avatar.

For those who are WhatsApp users but like keeping a low profile about themselves and keeping their life private WhatsApp avatars got u since now you will not be required to use your photo. you can easily use these 3D avatars.

Introducing 3D Avatars to WhatsApp stickers

But as of now January 2023 time of writing this blog this new feature is still in beta and is continuing to be developed, so beginners might face problems with lighting, shading, hairstyle textures, and more but WhatsApp developers are working tirelessly to fix this with 24hr support team ready for you.

Another limitation is that avatars unlike profile photos WhatsApp avatars can not be used on Instagram or Facebook nor can you use your Meta avatar from Instagram or Facebook on WhatsApp