AI could be the worst invention in the history of our civilization that brings dangers like powerful autonomous weapons or new ways for the few to oppress the many. AI could also be the best invention in the history of our civilization that helps eradicate poverty and disease and fundamentally transforms our approach to understanding our place in the cosmos.

~ Stephen Hawking

In recent months we have seen impeccable applications of AI and Deep learning. Open Ai has seemed to dominate, at least in 2022/2023 releasing models like Codex, ChatGPT3, AI-Powered Microsoft Bing search, and finally GitHub Co-pilot which was a partnership between Microsoft and OpenAi.

With Google not being in the scenes and people really loving Gpt3 humor and of course, eliminating repetitive tasks in ways not imagined 5-10 years ago “ChatGPT3 will kill Google” was all over cyberspace this heat managed to get to the big tech company which was at the same time laying off massively. To make the long story short the odds were really not favoring Google so they went ahead and issued that they had worked on the same kind of “thing” but never released it.

Google’s LaMDA, What is Bard?

LaMDA (Language Model for Dialogue Applications) is an Ai model Google Engineers had been working on but was never released as it would be “bad for business”. Google makes about 80% of its income from advertising (which seems quite abnormal) and monetizing an Ai chatbot would not be a really easy thing to do, let’s see the options:

  • Paid subscription.
  • Affiliate Marketing to suggest certain products by name to the user by relating to their search.
  • Running Ads which would not really work until the way Ads are ran is re-invented (who wants to see ads as they are chatting with a bot)

This means users would no longer use Google’s search bar and read tens of posts before landing on the page they want. Google search algorithms have always been the way to find answers to anything but what if you would have your answer crafted from the best resources out on the web and delivered in a way you would save time and energy and then get the clarity benefit certainly, this is the new way for search.

The GPT3 Effect.

In the week that GPT3 was discovered by many, Google suffered a significant decrease in search volume, many bloggers saw their website traffic tank. In a report, Google stated that it would not launch a ChatGPT3 competitor as it would “ruin its reputation” this made so much sense amidst their mass layoffs which now seemed normal since other big-tech companies like Netflix, Amazon, and Facebook were doing it.

Jomma gave a good illustration that if you alone, were to fart in a big restaurant then everyone else in attendance would sideline you and eventually you would be thrown out but if the majority of the people were to fart in the restaurant then they would reach a consensus that the food was bad and the restaurant was to blame.

These companies blamed the economy, and inflation as to why they had these massive layoffs and suddenly, a shameful act became a norm.

So Google’s reputation was really at stake here, soon they swallowed their words and officially announced their AI chatbot.

Meet Bard, the ChatGPT “Killer”

On February 6, 2023: A message from our CEO - Sundar Pichai in the company news segment google fired their bullet, Bard! sounds bad? Completion at this point is all we needed only the best wins for sure. ChatGPT was dominating and Google had dominated search for decades.

Google’s Bard happened to wrongly answer the question:

What new discoveries from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) can I tell my 9-year-old about?”

Bard’s wrong answer:

The (James Webb Space Telescope) JWST took the very first pictures of a planet outside of our own solar system.

This was a Twitter advertisement and everything went unnoticed until there was one reply opposing what the 9-year-old was about to listen to 😂😂 my blog has Emoji support so bookmark it. How did anyone not bother to fact-check Bard’s replies? Or maybe this shows Google was soo confident, which is a good thing.

Apparently, JWST had been bestowed an honor that did not belong to it.

Bard’s Presentation went Bad

That tweet alone saw Google’s parent company, Alphabet Inc shares tank by $100billion🔻

$ 100 billion never to be seen again the forecast Google had made about “reputational risk” hunted them down. Google will in one way, or another recover from that since it’s a great company.

Let the AI battle begin, come place your bets

You can interact with Bard at Bard.Google.Com

$ 100 billion can be considered a bell, the fight has begun. ChatGPT is yet to meet its rival it makes stupid mistakes and at times provides nonsensical answers, the guys at OpenAi know that too well, Why? ChatGPT lacks a crucial cord guess…

If your guess was access to the internet resulting in limited knowledge of events then start using Bard, Google has signed up to battle OpenAi and the odds are favoring them google has all access to the latest data and Bard has access to the internet, anticipate Google to dominate at what they know best, search!

No, Ai will not completely replace search but the future of search will definitely be AI-powered. Search engines will use AI to provide more relevant results helping us find information more efficiently and effortlessly. Ai will not replace you, someone using AI will.

Google was not the first search engine in the world, it was Archie. The engine has since been superseded by others like Yahoo and Google search algorithms to provide the most relevant results see Google Search. (2023, February 8). In Wikipedia.