bunnie abc

Twitter's Source code is now OpenSource

About six months ago, Elon Musk paid 44 Billion Dollars for the Twitter acquisition, since then Elon Twitter’s CEO has done and said a lot of bizarre things: He fired half of the employees -some of them in the comment section gave blue check marks to the underserved and unbanned some accounts -like Donald Trump. With all this happening, the platform seemed to tank daily making its value $20 billion or in simple words, -24 Billion Dollars of its initial worth....

April 3, 2023 · 3 min · M.I.Titus
What is Neural Link

How NeuraLink is Taking Mind Control to the Next Level

Our brains are the most complex and fascinating organs in our body. Come to think of it, inside our brains, billions of neurons communicate with each other, making trillions of connections that are referred to as synapses, therefore our brains are just like electronic devices that send signals to all the body parts through the nervous system. Hence, we can move a hand or any other body part through these signals....

February 26, 2023 · 7 min · P.Gitau

Tesla's Rumoured New 'MODEL Pi' smartphone designed to work on mars

Every year there is a new brand-new phone from the large companies Huawei, Apple, and Samsung which have something in common. When it comes to improving their products, they only modify one feature, let’s say the camera or even the storage capacity or the cover, but we don’t get new features at all. It’s the same every time except for some nice user experience improvements actually if you buy a new phone before you even open it you actually know what is inside it and even what to expect I don’t know if it’s me alone with high expectations which make me except something new like something from the future something no one has ever seen....

January 15, 2023 · 4 min · P.Gitau