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SpaceX Starship Orbital Test Flight happening on Monday 17th.

What is the future of the human species? Are we destined to go to the stars and become multi-planetary or remain on the earth’s surface and become extinct like dinos? Theoretical physicists and space enthusiasts have devised theories of what might one day wipe out the human race on Earth’s surface. Prof. Stephen Hawkings dedicated his life to proving why we need to become a multi-planetary species. But who is dead?...

April 11, 2023 · 3 min · M.I.Titus
Starlink Internet: Future of High-Speed Connection in remote Areas

Starlink Internet: Future of High-Speed Connection in remote Areas

Founded by SpaceX founders Elon & Kimbal Musk and Gwynne Shotwell -(chief and operating officer at SpaceX), Starlink Internet is engineered and maintained by the Aerospace company Space Explorations Technologies Incorporation (SpaceX). Starlink Internet is a division of SpaceX, the first company on earth to launch a rocket into low earth orbit and recover the booster for reusing. The main goal of starting SpaceX was to make space travel cheaper. Having achieved this made it the most appropriate company to send thousands of satellites to orbit to provide affordable, uncensored satellite internet....

January 22, 2023 · 7 min · M.I.Titus